Overview of kubectl. Kubernetes commands.

Documentation DevOps
DevOps kubernetes k8s google cloud kubectl

Overview of “kubectl”. Kubernetes commands.


1. Установить kubectl и авторизоваться для доступа google cloud clusters

2. Сlusters get credentials

$ gcloud container clusters get-credentials cluster-u4u-develop --zone europe-west1-c


3. Enabling shell autocompletion

$ echo "source <(kubectl completion bash)" >> ~/.bashrc


Примеры комманд.

Переключение между кластерами

➜  k8s git:(airat) ✗ kubectl config get-contexts
CURRENT   NAME                                                 CLUSTER                                                 AUTHINFO                                             NAMESPACE
          develop_u4u_project_gitlab                           develop_u4u_project                                     gitlab                                               default
          gke_u4u-project_europe-west1-c_cluster-u4u-develop   gke_u4u-project_europe-west1-c_cluster-u4u-develop      gke_u4u-project_europe-west1-c_cluster-u4u-develop   
          minikube                                             minikube                                                minikube                                             
*         production_u4u_project_gitlab                        gke_u4u-project_europe-west1-c_cluster-u4u-production   gittlab_prod                                         production

➜  k8s git:(airat) ✗ kubectl config use-context gke_u4u-project_europe-west1-c_cluster-u4u-develop
Switched to context "gke_u4u-project_europe-west1-c_cluster-u4u-develop".
➜  k8s git:(airat) ✗                                                                              
➜  k8s git:(airat) ✗ 

➜  k8s git:(airat) ✗ kubectl config get-contexts                                                  
CURRENT   NAME                                                 CLUSTER                                                 AUTHINFO                                             NAMESPACE
          develop_u4u_project_gitlab                           develop_u4u_project                                     gitlab                                               default
*         gke_u4u-project_europe-west1-c_cluster-u4u-develop   gke_u4u-project_europe-west1-c_cluster-u4u-develop      gke_u4u-project_europe-west1-c_cluster-u4u-develop   
          minikube                                             minikube                                                minikube                                             
          production_u4u_project_gitlab                        gke_u4u-project_europe-west1-c_cluster-u4u-production   gittlab_prod                                         production
➜  k8s git:(airat) ✗ 

Ролучить информацию о запущенных контейнерах (pods in kubernetes)

$ kubectl get pod        

Чтоб в “реальном времени” следить за изменениями состояния контейнеров. (pods in kubernetes)

$ watch kubectl get pod


NAME                          READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
auth-667477fdf8-s7wcp         1/1       Running   0          4d
front-5cd6748bc8-rkpcc        1/1       Running   0          16h
genpdf-5f4bd9d954-vsls9       1/1       Running   0          4d
kong-77784c9947-pm4df         1/1       Running   0          3d
mongodb-67f6d8c858-4879z      1/1       Running   0          4d
order-5f4c58f7d7-rr98l        1/1       Running   0          4d
photod-6894858877-rvlzw       1/1       Running   0          4d
photorec-847448d89f-5fknw     1/1       Running   0          4d
postgresql-854db4dcb7-vx85x   1/1       Running   1          4d
promo-fb66c7b84-p6f2t         1/1       Running   0          4d
rabbitmq-0                    1/1       Running   0          4d
redis-master-0                1/1       Running   1          4d
textgen-8645fc845b-xfx57      1/1       Running   0          4d
tsm-77f799cf5-v6rl6           1/1       Running   7          4d
ua-d694bf874-sqfg9            1/1       Running   0          4d
wa-98dbc4cbf-w5hjj            1/1       Running   0          4d

Удалить контейнер(pods in kubernetes)

$ kubectl delete pod front-5cd6748bc8-rkpcc

Логирвание сервиса

$ kubectl logs -f kong-77784c9947-pm4df

Получить bash запущенного контейнера

$ kubectl exec -it genpdf-5f4bd9d954-vsls9 -- /bin/bash

Получить актуальное название docker images

$ watch kubectl get deploy -o wide


Every 2,0s: kubectl get deploy -o wide                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             webdev: Wed May 30 18:49:48 2018

NAME                                  DESIRED   CURRENT   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE       CONTAINERS                            IMAGES                                                    SELECTOR
auth                                  1         1         1            1           13d       auth                                  center.u4u.online/auth:latest                             app=auth,release=develop-u4u
develop-gitlab-runner-gitlab-runner   1         1         1            1           6d        develop-gitlab-runner-gitlab-runner   gitlab/gitlab-runner:alpine-v10.3.0                       app=develop-gitlab-runner-gitlab-runner
front                                 1         1         1            1           13d       front                                 center.u4u.online/front:promo_multi                       app=front,release=develop-u4u
genpdf                                1         1         1            1           13d       genpdf                                center.u4u.online/genpdf:latest                           app=genpdf,release=develop-u4u
kong                                  1         1         1            1           13d       kong                                  center.u4u.online/kong-new2:latest                        app=kong,release=develop-u4u
mongodb                               1         1         1            1           13d       develop-u4u-mongodb                   docker.io/mongo:3.3                                       app=mongodb
order                                 1         1         1            1           13d       order                                 center.u4u.online/order:220_promo_several_products_fuso   app=order,release=develop-u4u
photod                                2         2         2            2           13d       photod                                center.u4u.online/photod:latest                           app=photod,release=develop-u4u
photorec                              2         2         2            2           13d       photorec                              center.u4u.online/photorec:latest                         app=photorec,release=develop-u4u
postgresql                            1         1         1            1           13d       postgresql                            postgres:9.6.2                                            app=postgresql
promo                                 1         1         1            1           13d       promo                                 center.u4u.online/promo:220_promo_several_products        app=promo,release=develop-u4u
textgen                               1         1         1            1           13d       textgen                               center.u4u.online/textgen:latest                          app=textgen,release=develop-u4u
tsm                                   2         2         2            2           13d       tsm                                   center.u4u.online/tsm:latest                              app=tsm,release=develop-u4u
ua                                    1         1         1            1           13d       ua                                    center.u4u.online/ua:latest                               app=ua,release=develop-u4u
wa                                    1         1         1            1           13d       wa                                    center.u4u.online/wa:latest                               app=wa,release=develop-u4u

The package manager for Kubernetes


no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
➜  k8s git:(220_promo_several_products) ✗ pwd       
Error: unknown command "ll" for "helm"
Run 'helm --help' for usage.
➜  k8s git:(220_promo_several_products) ✗ helm ls
NAME                    REVISION        UPDATED                         STATUS          CHART                   NAMESPACE
develop-gitlab-runner   1               Thu May 24 13:48:43 2018        DEPLOYED        gitlab-runner-0.1.16    default  
develop-u4u             30              Wed May 30 18:18:15 2018        DEPLOYED        u4u-0.1.1               default  
➜  k8s git:(220_promo_several_products) ✗ 
➜  k8s git:(220_promo_several_products) ✗ 
➜  k8s git:(220_promo_several_products) ✗ helm upgrade develop-u4u u4u

Overview of kubectl